October 17

Category Design - Be King of Your Own Category

Category Design - Be King of Your Own Category - James Rostance & Elliot Harrison

This week on THE 414 LIVE it’s about B2B market dominance through differentiation.

Simply producing a product or service which is incrementally better all the time, is actually a race to the bottom. So enter, the practice of Category Design.

I’ll be speaking with Elliot Harrison who will explain in detail why Category Design allows you to knock out your competition through avoiding one-on-one technical comparisons, because you are the king of your own unique category.

Apple are masters of this approach, and Elliot will share everything for you to evaluate leveraging this incredibly powerful marketing technique for your company. "

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About the author

James Rostance

James specialises in producing video case studies. He is a three-time published author in video production and marketing. He founded Story Hero to provide a complete video case study production service.

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