January 23

Should You Be Embracing or Avoiding ABM?

Should You Be Embracing or Avoiding ABM?  - James Rostance & Riaz Kanani

Account Based Marketing, or ABM, is a hot topic right now, and it's increasingly being seen as a strategy which everyone needs to adopt in order to 'keep up with the Joneses'.

But even more controversial than Harry styles in a dress, and hopefully with more substance, is the notion that ABM is NOT for everyone, and even more shocking is the claim... that given the size and scale of businesses in the UK, ABM is actually only suited to a select number and certainly not the majority.

All is not lost though, because whilst the most important thing to ascertain is whether or not ABM is right for you and your company, you can still adopt certain ABM best practices.

In this week's show we look into the 3 pillars of ABM, why most projects fail and how you can avoid that.

Plus, giving you everything you need to be able to determine if you should be going after a 5-course ABM commitment, or more of a light afternoon buffet.

Either way, you'll get the answers you need and you'll be in a much better position moving forward.

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About the author

James Rostance

James specialises in producing video case studies. He is a three-time published author in video production and marketing. He founded Story Hero to provide a complete video case study production service.

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