August 24

LinkedIn Insider Insights

LinkedIn Insider Insights - James Rostance & Tom Pepper

An EXCLUSIVE series of insights and findings from The UK’s Head of Marketing Solutions for LinkedIn.

LinkedIn have conducted some detailed studies on how people and companies are using the platform, and Tom Pepper will be joining me on the show to share their one-of-a-kind calibre of insights and findings.

We’ll be discussing….

What LinkedIn’s research on current marketing trends (post pandemic) has revealed How companies in the most challenging markets are turning things to their advantage

The changes in communication style for companies and executives which LinkedIn’s studies have foundThe latest and forthcoming new marketing features on LinkedIn

Tom is the Head of Marketing Solutions for LinkedIn, UK, Ireland and Israel, so as a B2B marketer… this will be the most insightful and authoritative analysis you could have for what LinkedIn’s current take on the market is.

In addition to that, a concise run down of LinkedIn’s latest features, as well as forthcoming ones.

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About the author

James Rostance

James specialises in producing video case studies. He is a three-time published author in video production and marketing. He founded Story Hero to provide a complete video case study production service.

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